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Wet Bulb temperatur:

Wet-bulb temperature

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The wet-bulb temperature is a type of temperature measurement that reflects the physical properties of a system with a mixture of a gas and a vapor, usually air and water vapor. Wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached by the evaporation of water only. It is the temperature one feels when one's skin is wet and is exposed to moving air. Unlike dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature is an indication of the amount of moisture in the air. Wet-bulb temperature can have several technical meanings:

  • Thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature: the temperature a volume of air would have if cooled adiabatically to saturation at constant pressure by evaporation of water into it, all latent heat being supplied by the volume of air.
  • The temperature read from a wet bulb thermometer
  • Adiabatic wet-bulb temperature: the temperature a volume of air would have if cooled adiabatically to saturation and then compressed adiabatically to the original pressure in a moist-adiabatic process (AMS Glossary).

Practical considerations

The thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature is the minimum temperature which may be achieved by purely evaporative cooling of a water-wetted (or even ice-covered), ventilated surface.

For a given parcel air at a known pressure and dry-bulb temperature, the thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature corresponds to unique values of relative humidity, dew point temperature, and other properties. The relationships between these values are illustrated in a psychrometric chart.

For "dry" air, air that is less than saturated (i. e. air with less than 100 percent relative humidity), the wet-bulb temperature is lower than the dry-bulb temperature due to evaporative cooling. The greater the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperatures, the drier the air and lower the relative humidity. The dew point temperature is the temperature at which the ambient air must cool to reach 100% relative humidity where condensate and rain form; and conversely, the wet bulb temperature rises to converge on the dry bulb temperature.

Cooling of the human body through perspiration is inhibited as the wet-bulb temperature (and relative humidity) of the surrounding air increases in summer. Other mechanisms may be at work in winter if there is validity to the notion of a "humid" or "damp cold."

Lower wet-bulb temperatures that correspond with drier air in summer can translate to energy savings in air-conditioned buildings due to:

  1. Reduced dehumidification load for ventilation air
  2. Increased efficiency of cooling towers

Thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature (adiabatic saturation temperature)

The thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature is the temperature a volume of air would have if cooled adiabatically to saturation by evaporation of water into it, all latent heat being supplied by the volume of air.

The temperature of an air sample that has passed over a large surface of liquid water in an insulated channel is the thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature—it has become saturated by passing through a constant-pressure, ideal, adiabatic saturation chamber.

Meteorologists and others may use the term "isobaric wet-bulb temperature" to refer to the "thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature". It is also called the "adiabatic saturation temperature".

It is the thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature that is plotted on a psychrometric chart.

The thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature is a thermodynamic property of a mixture of air and water vapor. The value indicated by a simple wet-bulb thermometer often provides an adequate approximation of the thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature.

For an accurate wet-bulb thermometer, "the wet-bulb temperature and the adiabatic saturation temperature are approximately equal for air-water vapor mixtures at atmospheric temperature and pressure. This is not necessarily true at temperatures and pressures that deviate significantly from ordinary atmospheric conditions, or for other gas–vapor mixtures." (source indication:

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